Logo Chatharu Nair Mrs. Vijaylakshmi K.P.


Conny Gross

Dr. Rajesh Mohan

Karin Eischer

Purushothaman Nair

Rajeev Mukundan

Sanil & family
our treatments

Ayurveda has developed magnificent treatments for renewing body and deeply centering and settling the mind. When the mind is deeply centered and settled, the body will naturally heal faster and age slower. Many of the treatments involve use of therapeutic oils and decoctions that have rare and prescious herbs that have been prepared in specific samayoga or combinations to have a profoundly healing effect. The combination of up to 50 or more ingredients in many of the preparations , creates a remarkable effect when applied on specific points by our therapists. The sages and great Vaidyas over the ages created our rejuvenation treatments and each of them is carefully prescribed by our Vaidya (Ayurvedic physician) to be well matched to your age, condition and body type.

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